Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Productive Relaxation

The wierdest thing has happened to me. Last Christmas, I began doing cross stich while watching old movies with my hubby. It was a great way to keep me from stuffing myself with snacks and I got a lot of holiday gifts made. Then in the spring I discovered some crocheting I had started back in 1993 and that became my movie time project. I ended up completing two large blankets for my sons' beds (which they got for Christmas this year). I made countless othe gifts while watching Garbo, Chaplin, and others this fall.

So Christmas is over and I should be able to just sit still and watch a movie but I can't. Last night, we (my hubby and two daughters) sat down to watch X men 2 and I tried to do nothing but it drove me crazy! Don't misunderstand me, I enjoyed the movie) I ended up starting a cross stich for my sisters birthday at the end of January.

It actually feels good to be productive...who knew!

1 comment:

mysticxian said...

I have to do the same thing. I've got tons of crocheted blankets and cross stitch all over the place and I have to work while I'm watching something, otherwise I bite all my nails and eat.